الأحد، 15 يونيو 2014

Appeal to the owners of compassionate hearts

Request help

Hello I am today I will impress you call a woman in need of help in the treatment of her son only
I request accommodation for visa and I ask you to send the correct treatment of the state of Islam is a child with asthma and 8 sharp medication complications caused permanently severe swelling in his body and convergence of acute asthma attack 2 times in a month, while continuing 4-5 days sometimes by the negligence of doctors in hospitality Algeria also caused her pain in the chest and blue nails and every effort led to a deterioration of his condition, he does not play like other children until his study examined the first five months of the school year worse state fall and winter knowing that only his parents suffered from his family a hereditary disease that is fatal killed five of his children to suffer from pain and key his only son, I wish to cover the costs of treatment charities friendly with asthma, chronic or acceptance engaged even cover processing costs, you also had a problem in the penis is too small and became fully penetrates under the skin of her circumstances bad pain and sometimes causes Algeria became corruption and favoritism are the file processing control abroad, I hope you can help me in therapy are the creation and hosting of an article, I am willing to work to save the life of Islam suffers from the negligence of officials


I hope that you help this child is in dire need of solidarity physically or deliver our voice to the associations and the people who are able to help him His mother was no longer able to endure will depend tears and return the child to play without fear of state sends people the wrong treatment abroad either poor do not ask them, I hope that you respond to the request This poor lady, I know he is still goodness and generosity present in this world and thank you very much

MADAME: takouachet malika
ADESSE: 147 log aadl BL D N 2 ANNABA (23012) ALGERIE
némero portable: +213772183426
préciser le nom=takouachet, le prénom =islam et la date de naissance =18/03/2006 de l'enfant, les coordonnées de la famille=147 log aadl BL D N 2-ANNABA-ALGERIE et de joindre pour toute demande de RV le courrier du médecin ou du pédiatre qui  suit l'enfant.cabinet medical d'allergologie et d'immunologie clinique DR : Noureddine DIAF 
cité 687 logts juannola bloc 66 apt 596-annaba -algérie


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